Articles by:

Martin Bouza

Building Success Brick by Brick

Building Success Brick by Brick

I've always loved Legos. You buy a set, and it has the pieces you need to create the very same thing that is in the picture at the top of the box. In real life, though, it just works differently: first, you imagine what you want the picture to look like, and then you...

Innovate for Impact: Arionkoder’s Vision for the Future

Innovate for Impact: Arionkoder’s Vision for the Future

We all have our unique ways of saying hello. From simple to elaborate, and formal to informal, we all introduce ourselves to others and to the world sometimes, even tailoring the greeting to the audience we’ll have. But there’s one value that we uphold: coherence. So,...

Innovation Alchemy: Blending Kitchens and Operating Rooms

Innovation Alchemy: Blending Kitchens and Operating Rooms

Picture this: a surgical team operating on a patient and saving his life. Now, picture this: the chef and his team at your favorite restaurant preparing that dish that you just love. At first glance, these situations seem worlds apart, right? One is all about...

Understanding Healthcare Ecosystems for a Better Tomorrow

Understanding Healthcare Ecosystems for a Better Tomorrow

When we look closely at the systems that shape our society, few are as intricate and important as the ones dealing with our health. Health ecosystems are complex puzzles with hundreds of moving parts that also act as a meeting point for all kinds of stakeholders who...

Reaching New Heights: Synergies to Elevate Success

Reaching New Heights: Synergies to Elevate Success

In the world of communication and negotiation, egos often get in the way. Even though companies are involved, it's the people representing them who often push their own interests forward. But the truly successful and trustworthy organizations rise above that. They...

Trust: the key to creating lasting connections

Trust: the key to creating lasting connections

Storytelling is humankind’s best creation. It’s as simple as that: the ability to narrate and convey ideas is what sets us apart as a species. It all comes down to communication as a set of skills we rely on to transmit ideas and knowledge, based on the trust we have...

Arionkoder is different – and I love it!

Arionkoder is different – and I love it!

Some days ago, I was interviewed by Keith Cline and shared different ideas about the way companies evolve and the opportunities that arise then, Arionkoder’s present and future, current scenarios in the US such as the Great Resignation and our role in the tech...