Speed, value and trust: The Arionkoder Way to Tech Talent

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By Sal Leone

August 6, 2024

Over the past year, I’ve consistently seen the growing gap between the demand for qualified tech experts and their supply. Everyone wants top-tier skills for the latest technologies, whether it’s Data Engineers, Cloud Engineers, Java Developers, AI/ML Engineers, JavaScript, DevOps, MLOps, and more. This means that hiring processes are now long, costly and sometimes ineffective

So, how to navigate this challenge? Some companies spend ages searching for the perfect candidate, incurring high costs and wasting valuable time that slows down their projects and results. Others turn to freelancers who might lack commitment or even technical depth. And some end up hiring under qualified candidates. But at Arionkoder we do things differently: we swiftly find the right talent, ensuring they’re top-notch and fully dedicated to your success. This approach has allowed us to resolve the talent shortage for numerous companies, providing them with the speed, expertise, and value they need to excel.

We find top talent for your projects and needs in just 17 days on average, significantly faster than the industry standard of 40 days. This is even more impressive when you consider that we only select senior talent as opposed to junior or inexperienced candidates. Our process involves a thorough and comprehensive assessment of technical and logical skills, soft skills, and cultural fit, selecting only 3% of applicants from our extensive pre-vetted talent pools. This ensures our talents are ready to onboard quickly and deliver value immediately. Here’s how our hiring process works:

  1. Initial Interview: Our People and Culture team conducts the first interview to evaluate the candidate’s soft skills, cultural fit with your company, and previous job experience.
  2. Logic and Technical Challenge: Next, candidates undergo a logic and technical challenge, along with a background check. These challenges are tailored to the specific skills required for the position and use professional tools like Checkr and Codility. Candidates must pass the background check to proceed.
  3. Technical Interview: Successful candidates then face a technical interview with our experts to assess their skills and experience thoroughly. We assign them a seniority level, and if it aligns with the project requirements, they move to the client interview.
  4. Client Interview: During the client interview, you meet the selected talent to gauge their suitability, leadership experience, and other relevant attributes. Based on this interview, you can approve the candidate or request alternatives, in which case we restart the process with a new candidate.
  5. Onboarding and Induction: Once approved, we proceed with the onboarding and induction process. Our talents are equipped to start contributing to your projects immediately, ensuring seamless integration and continuous value delivery.

We can help you quickly build a strong, efficient tech team and ensure you have top talent to achieve your goals. Reach out to us at hello@arionkoder.com and discover how we can elevate your projects!