Office work or remote work? The Hybrid Revolution, where a good corporate culture is essential

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By Natalie Golffed

September 28, 2021

Did you think that the last revolution in working models was the Digital Revolution?
Well… you might want to think again. The pandemic that swept the globe brought about a new type: The Hybrid revolution.

The exclusively manual labor era came to an end when electricity was invented. This idea, along with steam, meant that machines were now a bigger part of the work equation than ever before. Suddenly, the opportunities for inventions could open new markets reaching unexpected places in the world, this allowed to reduce their prices and that millions could have access to new technologies. Patents were granted permanently and the masses of work, once adapted to these new elements, incorporated them and continued with the so-called Industrial Revolution. The invention of computers, and later that of the global Internet network, changed the main focus of work: while of course industrialization and industrial production were still a relevant part of the economy (as well as professions which became more solid in this era), the creation of the Internet meant that, in time, knowledge and information would be the basis of the modern world of work.

The global pandemic of Covid took us all by surprise. And suddenly, the companies that had thought about their digital transformation were the ones that could be better prepared for this unexpected situation. Things that were considered optional before became almost mandatory. Having a website, which for some emerging or slow-reacting companies was maybe not even a priority, became essential for business continuity. The same thing happened with ecommerce, with home banking, and with so many other products and services. And because of lockdowns, this phenomenon also applied to the people working everywhere, from the office, home, coffee shop, or even in the middle of a trip. The hybrid work stopped being a modern luxury and became the way forward.

The hybrid revolution marks a significant new era as far as work is concerned. It’s becoming clear that things just won’t go back to what they were: location-centric work is narrowing and increasingly outdated, but human-centric work broadens our horizons, both literally and figuratively. This means that we can not only bring together the best talent in a city, not in one country, but in one region or in the world as a whole. And because of the human-centric mindset that comes along with it, companies can hire according to not only to talent, but also to cultural fit. This makes work run like clockwork. Hybrid work can also be a way for companies to act elastically, according to customer demand.

According to research by Gartner, hybrid workforce models are the perfect way to strengthen the company’s culture among employees. It might seem counterintuitive, but in Gartner’s research both hybrid and remote workers reported that their company’s culture had a positive impact significantly more often than their peers who work in the office. This might reflect that because of the nature of remote or hybrid work, intentional change is required in order to make it work, and that’s precisely what makes it have a meaningful and positive impact on employees.

The hybrid revolution has, for sure, a positive effect: a better culture means better communication and teamwork, which ultimately turns into a great job and satisfied customers.

At Arionkoder we have been working this way since the company was born. We seek to bring together the best talent, not in one city or one country, but in all of the Americas. Join Arionkoder today through our open positions and see how a great corporate culture brings great results!