Reshaping Health Tech: Avoiding AI FOMO and Focusing on Real Value

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By Damian Calderon

October 3, 2024

Health tech startups often struggle to make a lasting impact because they fail to align their innovations with real-world problems and user needs. This misalignment is one of the key reasons so many startups fall into the infamous Health Tech Valley of Death where unclear value propositions prevent them from gaining traction. The rapid rise of AI in healthcare has only amplified this issue, as many companies rush to adopt new technologies without reassessing whether their core offering genuinely solves user pain points. The Reshape Health Grants help startups overcome this by guiding them to focus on AI and design innovation that resonates with users and delivers real results in healthcare.

Why Refining Your Approach Is Essential

representation for the Death Valley health tech startups phase, by @calde_ux

The Death Valley in health tech is not just a metaphor; it represents a series of critical phases where many startups lose momentum because their value propositions remain unclear or poorly defined. Regularly refining and reassessing your approach to the problem you’re solving can help you avoid this fate. It’s not enough to be innovative—there has to be a solid connection between your technology and the user’s real-world needs. This reassessment isn’t just about tweaking features; it’s about understanding how your solution fits into the user’s life and whether it’s addressing the actual pain points they experience. A health tech solution that didn’t find the right approach to make a meaningful impact has more risks of being just another unwanted product in a crowded market.

Startups getting into the health field need to move beyond flashy innovations and ensure they are addressing users’ most pressing needs. The rise of AI in healthcare has increased this issue, with many startups adding AI without fully understanding its value to the end user. If your AI doesn’t enhance the user experience or solve a critical problem, what value are you providing beyond the algorithm? How do we ensure that the AI features we are planning to incorporate truly enhance rather than complicate the user’s journey? 

Adopting a User-Centric and Experimental Mindset

The key to breaking through the Valley of Death lies in adopting a user-centered approach from day one. Engage deeply with your users, listen to their pain points, and understand the context in which they interact with your solution. When you do this, the real value of your product becomes clearer, allowing you to refine your value proposition and improve its relevance.  For example, Alvee’s AI-driven platform was designed with social workers and care managers in mind, enabling them to better address social determinants of health (SDoH). By understanding the needs of these users, Alvee was able to deliver a product that fit seamlessly into their existing workflows while adding true value to their everyday efforts.

The rise of AI in healthcare has led to an increased fear of missing out (FOMO) among startups. Many rush to integrate AI into their products without taking the time to experiment, validate, and ensure that it adds meaningful value. But this experimental mindset is crucial, especially for refining an ML model output. Startups should test their ideas in real-world settings, validate them with users, and make rapid adjustments. Developing an effective AI solution isn’t just about building an algorithm; it’s about ensuring that this technology delivers measurable results. One initial question to start understanding how this process de-risks your AI bets, is pretty simple: When AI fails, does it leave room for human intervention, or does it create unnecessary friction in the user experience?

Our Reshape Health Grants Are Here to Help

Our second edition of the Reshape Health Grants is designed to guide startups through these critical phases of refining their value propositions and integrating user-centered AI solutions. The grants offer mentorship, technical support, and design expertise combined with healthcare expertise to ensure that innovations are grounded in real user needs and validated through iterative testing. Startups like Rewire Health have benefited from this approach, using it to create a smooth onboarding experience that helped users seamlessly adopt “Food as Medicine” practices to improve their health.

If your startup is seeking guidance to refine its value proposition and align innovation with real-world needs, the Reshape Health Grants can provide the support necessary to achieve lasting impact. Through user-centered design and experimentation, you can create a solution that truly resonates and delivers lasting impact. Learn more about the Reshape Health Grants and apply today at Reshape Health Grants 2024.